jazz guitar system . . . . . . . . . . . . CHORD THEORY

*  YELLOW diagrams read 3,6,2,5,R,4 & R,4,b7,b3,b6,b2 ...(*the yellow numbers are a bit illegible in the diagram below so these, above, are how they read)

Jazz Guitar Diagram Theory:
In the colored diagrams shown at the right, the near column shows all of the notes within each diagram as they function relative to a single key (R). This is how the notes are displayed in the system diagrams.
The column at the far right indicates the function of notes as they relate to the individual diagrams when they are seen as chords with the root in the bass that are extended to the 13th degree in major. (I-chord, II-chord, III-chord, IV-chord, etc.)
As the column at the far right solves the functions of diagram notes with the root in the base for the major tonality of "R" (like it does for the RED diagram, as shown), similarly, solving for the roots of any other colored diagram in the near column, with their roots on their respective strings, would show that the same colored diagram patterns in their same relative position on the fret board would continue to accurately map their respective tonalities.
This allows upper tensions as the source of chord substitution for chromatic circles of 5ths without naming sharps & flats.


The function numbers of the diagrams in the near right column are derived as inversions of Mj13 chords who's roots would form an intervallicly inverted diatonic scale. (h,w,w,w,h,w,w)
* The YELLOW diagrams read "3,6,2,5,R,4 & R,4,b7,b3,b6,b2"
This system is designed to open the door to a relatively great variety of musical ideas to the many guitarists who for whatever reason, will not become familiar with the volumes on composition and theory and would like to step into the jazz vein.
copyright©1999-2006 Frank Spagnolo

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